Flow Chart of Science and Technology Courses at TJ

*Please Note - Computer Science is under the Math/CS department. For prereqs that are required for Computer Science labs please visit the Computer Science courses flowchart.
The information detailed in the images above is written below:

Core Courses

Honors Biology (IBEST) - 9th Grade

Honors Chemistry - 10th Grade (Summer or School Year)

Honors Physics - 11th Grade

Geosystems - 12th Grade

Design and Tech (IBEST) - 9th Grade

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

AP Chemistry (PreReq: Honors Chemistry)

AP Biology (CoReq: Honors Chemistry)

AP Physics C (CoReq: BC Calculus, Optional to take before: Honors Physics)

Elective Courses - Can be taken in any grade if PreReqs are met

DNA Science 1 (PreReq: Honors Chemistry)

DNA Science 2 (PreReq: DNA Science 1)

Organic Chemistry (PreReq: AP Chemistry)

Electrodynamics (PreReq: AP Physics C)


Geospatial Analysis

Neurobiology (PreReq: AP Biology)

Astronomy - Universe

Astronomy - Solar System

Microbial Genomics

Marine Biology

AP Computer Science (Math/CS course)

Engineering Fundamentals (Prerequisite to all other Engineering courses)

Engineering Design

Special Computer Aided Design

Analog Electronics

Digital Electronics

Energy Systems 1

Energy Systems 2 (PreReq: Energy Systems 1)

Proto 1 

Proto 2 (PreReq: Proto 1)

Robo 1 

Robo 2

Senior Research Labs

Biotechnology (PreReq: DNA Science 1)

Oceanography and Geophysical Sciences (PreReq: Marine Biology)

Neuroscience (Optional to take before: AP Computer Science, BC Calc, AI 1 and 2, Neurobiology)


Chemical Analysis

Mobile/Web Design (Math/CS course) (PreReq: AP Computer Science)

Computer Systems (Math/CS course) (PreReq: AP Computer Science)

Quantum Physics and Optics (PreReq: AP Physics C)

Combined Engineering (PreReq: Any two of Engineering Design, Special Computer Aided Design, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Energy Systems 1, Energy Systems 2, Proto 1, Proto 2, Robo 1, Robo 2)