Frequently Asked Questions - PE, Health, and Driver Education
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about TJ's Physical Education program. Check back with this page as we will update it when necessary.
- Question: Can I take Yoga or Personal Fitness in lieu of HPE 9 or HPE 10?
- Answer: No. Both HPE9 and HPE10 are required courses.
- Question: If you take Health/Physical Education over the summer, do you meet your driver's ed requirements?
- Answer: Per FCPS Online Campus: "The Classroom Driver Education unit is included in Health and Physical Education 10. There is no need to register for any other Classroom Driver Education while taking Online Summer School HPE-10. " If you take Health and Physical Education 10 through Virtual Virginia, Driver Education is not included and you would be responsible for getting Driver Education on your own. Classroom driver education is offered through Adult and Community Education (ACE) in the summer. The Virginia Driver Education and Traffic Safety Course (VADETS) provides another option.