Research Program

Our unique research program consists of specialized research laboratories, a mentorship program, and tjSTAR.

Research Laboratories

A distinguishing characteristic of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology is its specialized research laboratories. They are designed to enhance the academic curriculum as well as to provide students with unique learning experiences in state-of-the-art technological environments.

Senior Research Lab Prerequisites for Class of 2026 and Beyond

Current Labs

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Biotechnology and Life Sciences
  • Chemical Analysis and Nanochemistry
  • Computer Systems
  • Engineering


  • Mobile and Web Application Development
  • Neuroscience
  • Oceanography and Geophysical Systems
  • Quantum Physics and Optics



Each year, students participate the Thomas Jefferson Symposium to Advance Research (tjSTAR). This day-long symposium is an opportunity to share student research projects, to learn about future research opportunities at TJ, and to explore potential careers. It also serves as a way for students to inspire each other with new ideas for study, to obtain feedback from peers, and to involve alumni and community partners in our academic programs.

In addition to student presentations, a variety of other activities, including speakers, and panel/debate with outside experts, interactive experiment stations, and a research career fair are part of the culminating experience.

Research Lab Staff

Mentorship Program

Students are also given opportunities for independent research and experimentation, and interaction with professionals from the scientific, engineering, technological, and industrial communities through the mentorship program.