Flow Chart for CS Courses
The information detailed in the image above is written below:
One credit in Computer Science (a full year) is required to graduate.
9th Grade
Foundations of Computer Science
- No prerequisite
- Java: classes, objects, loops, arrays, conditionals, algorithmic thinking, files, graphics
10th Grade
Data Structures including AP Computer Science A
- Prerequisite: Foundations of CS, or the TJ CS Readiness Assessment - info will be available in the spring.
- Java: recursion, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, maps, graphs, heaps
Semester Electives - 11th and 12th Grades
Artificial Intelligence 1 and 2
- Prerequisite: Data Structures
- Students take Artificial Intelligence 1 in the fall and then may take Artificial Intelligence 2 in the spring
- Artificial Intelligence 1 - Python: graphs, heuristics, constraint solvers, game trees
- Artificial Intelligence 2 - Python: genetic algorithms, learning, natural language processing, agents
Computer Simulation and Game Development
- Prerequisite: Data Structures
- C#: graphics and animation, game physics, collisions, interactive experiences with code
Computer Vision 1 and 2
- Prerequisite: Data Structures
- Recommendation is to take AI before CV.
- Computer Vision 1 - C++: image filtering, detection, segmentation, recognition
- Computer Vision 2 - C++: motion, augmented reality, structure inference
Machine Learning 1 and 2
- Prerequisite: Artificial Intelligence 1 and 2, plus math pre- or co-req of Multi‐Variable Calculus
- Machine Learning 1 - Classification, regression, analysis, evaluation and generation
- Machine Learning 2 - Neural networks, auto encoders and reinforcement learning
Mobile App Development and Web App Development
- Prerequisite: Data Structures
- Students take either course in fall or spring, or both in either order.
- Mobile App: Android: Java based, phone, tablet, embedded
- Web App Dev: JavaScript, Node, SQL, CSS, HTML, the DOM
Senior Research Labs
Computer Systems Lab
- Prerequisite:
- 1. AI 1-2 and TJ 4-5, or
2. BC and Foundations, or
3. Data Structures and RS2
- 1. AI 1-2 and TJ 4-5, or
- Senior Research Project or Mentorship
Mobile and Web Application Development Lab
- Prerequisite: Mobile App, or Web App, or any two post-AP electives in Computer Science
- Senior Research Project or Mentorship