2024-2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance

Outcome goals for this academic year.

Growth and Performance in Coursework

Targeted Measurable Outcome

By EOY, 69% of students in an identified subgroup will receive no final course marks below a C- in all credit-bearing courses for the school year.

Universal Measurable Outcome

By EOY, 88% of students will receive no final course marks below a C- in all credit-bearing courses for the school year.

Strategies and Action Steps

  1. INSTRUCTION: Strengthen differentiation by designing and implementing effective scaffolds.
    1. CLTs will collect and use data from common assessments to inform instruction and design effective remediation strategies
    2. Teachers will use Tier 1 strategies and differentiated teaching practices to effectively scaffold instruction to meet the needs of all learners
    3. MTSS Team will monitor student achievement progress and provide support through Tier 2 strategies and interventions
  2. MATH: Increase teachers' implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.
    1. Explore implementation with math departments
  3. Family & Community Partnership: Engage families in regular, two-way communication about student learning and healthy development.

    1. Identify barriers to family access to school information through available communication channels
    2. Raise family awareness of Challenge Success philosophy
    3. Partner with families to increase involvement with monitoring student academic achievement and communication with teachers


Successful Completion of Advanced Coursework

Targeted Measurable Outcome 

By EOY, 98% of 9th grade students will receive no final course marks below a C- in all credit-bearing courses for the school year.

Universal Measurable Outcome 

By EOY, 97% of 9-11 students’ grades earned in honors and advanced courses will be a B- or better.

Strategies and Action Steps

  1. Use Academic and Career Advisory Lessons (available in Schoology).
    1. Push into IBEST courses to conduct lessons on study skills, organization, and time management
    2. Utilize SOSA to support students in one-on-one settings through MTSS and counseling identification
    3. 9th grade advisory lessons are provided and implemented throughout the year
  2. Increase opportunities for students to engage in rigorous and open-ended tasks that require critical and creative thinking.
    1. All 9th grade students have access to MathSpace to support their algebra skills. 9th graders will complete skills checks in the 1st quarter to place them on a mastery pathway for the year.
    2. TJ students are expected to participate in an IBEST symposium at the culmination of their 9th grade year. Biology, English, Statistics, and Engineering teachers will explicitly teach critical integrated skills in STEM inquiry.
    3. Use the MTSS process to invite targeted students to after school tutoring opportunities in commonly challenging courses such as Biology, Chemistry, RS1, and TJ Math 3. 


Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered

Measurable Outcome 

By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, the number of all students with 18 or more absences will be 190 students or fewer. 


  1. MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
    1. Analyze attendance data twice a month.
    2. Share information from the data with the Tier 1 team and determine if a student is in need of Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions. Engage staff in the cultivating an academically-focused culture that fosters teacher-student trust.
    3. MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
  2. Schools will share multilingual attendance materials with families throughout the year to educate families regarding the importance of attendance for school success.
    1. Send letters in the summer of 2024 to parents of students who were chronically absent the 2023-2024 SY 
    2. At the end of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters, send an attendance email to all parents of seniors. 
    3. Share attendance data in the monthly newsletter (NYC). 
  3. Schools will implement practices to recognize good and improved attendance to reinforce attendance and strengthen student and family engagement.
    1. Make attendance one of the categories for the homecoming competition. (1st day of school through homecoming)
    2. Monthly announcement of the class with highest attendance and most improved attendance. Create and exemplary attendance bulletin board. (K. Young)
    3. Notify seniors and parents about the attendance requirement for Civics Seal recognition at graduation.